Faster, smarter Check Fraud detection.
Check fraud is a $1.3B/yr problem and affects over 500,000 consumers. Mitek, the inventor of Mobile Deposit - trusted by nearly 100% of top U.S. banks - is introducing a new solution for fighting check fraud. Check Fraud Defender.
The premier AI-powered and cloud-hosted model for fighting check fraud reduces the number of checks routed for manual review, and can help reduce risks associated with synthetic and account fraud, forged checks, and theft.

Find-the-Fraud Assessment
Each financial institution is unique, Mitek is offering a custom assessment that makes use of your financial institution's data, and securely allows us to show the improvement we can make in your current fraud detection process.
Contact us today to get started on your custom Find-the-Fraud Assessment.
Check out some of our latest resources…
Don’t let fraud slip through the cracks
The premier AI-powered and cloud-hosted model for fighting check fraud,
Check Fraud Defender reduces the number of checks routed for manual review
and can help reduce risks associated with synthetic and account fraud, forged checks, and theft.
Sign up for our custom Find-the-Fraud assessment where we use your financial institution's
unique data to show you the power of Mitek’s Check Fraud Defender