With the average person’s attention span being shorter than that of a goldfish and the rise of mobile banking reaching cruise speed in the UK, being able to capture the ever mobile-centric customer has become of capital importance for financial institutions wanting to win the mobile moment.
This free white paper outlines the main reasons for digitizing identity verification processes and grow your revenue in a streamlined and compliant way.
- UK and the US are the two largest host jurisdictions for financial services activity in the world in absolute terms
- Estimated total costs of identity assurance processes in the UK exceed £3.3bn
- A third of 3 British mobile Internet users access mobile banking for checking bank accounts
- 1 out of 4 make electronic payments or money transfers from their mobile device
- About 35% digital starts are anticipated to be originated via phone
Download the white paper and find out more about how to capitalize on regtech to optimize your mobile onboarding.
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