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Journeys without Bias
July 20, 2021 | 5pm ET 2pm PT
Registrations for this event are closed.
hosted by

You are invited for an at-home dynamic wine tasting experience!
Marc Kauffman is a wine industry expert, certified sommelier and cellar master. Combining knowledge of the top and his experience of starting at the bottom, he will guide us on our virtual wine journey of 3 classic red wines accompanied by discussion on biometric bias. Join us for an exciting conversation and excellent wine, all from the comfort of your home!

Happy hour
2:00pm |
Welcome |
2:05pm |
Wine tasting #1 |
2:15pm |
Opening & introductions |
2:35pm |
Wine tasting #2 |
2:45pm |
Biometric bias discussion |
3:05pm | Wine tasting #3 |
3:15pm | Closing remarks |
Registrations for this event are closed.