Mitek was proud to present our first desktop-to-mobile ID document verification experience and new device ID capabilities for Mobile Verify this week at Finovate Spring in San Jose.

Sarah Clark, the General Manager of Identity at Mitek and Steve Craig, our Director of Product and Experience took the stage and demonstrated the Mitek’s new omnichannel identity verification solution.
The demo simulated a student applying for a credit card, the process began with a quick search on a desktop computer that led to an online application. From there, the duo demonstrated how the applicant completed identity verification portion of the process by selecting to receive a text on their mobile phone.
From that link the user activated their camera and use Mitek’s mobile capture to take a photo of their license which can then be verified in the online session as well as used for prefilling form fields.mnichannel enrollment process that links a customer’s desktop application or transaction to a mobile identity verification that can be completed on a mobile device.
In addition to verifying the customer’s identity in the mobile web, Sarah and Steve also displayed additional factor of identity verification by matching the user’s mobile phone data to their supplied information.
This omnichannel identity verification allows banks and financial institutions to manage risk of application fraud while providing an intuitive user experience that streamlines the customer acquisition process in the mobile channel. This also allows banks to harness the power of mobile identity verification for all their customers in the digital channel, even ones who begin the process on the desktop.