We're happy to announce that our Mobile Deposit® solution licensed by more than 5,000 U.S. financial institutions and used by more than 70 million consumers has now processed over one billion check deposits.
Our Chairman and CEO, James DeBello, sums it up nicely when he says “We estimate we have collectively saved consumers over 416 million hours in unnecessary trips to a branch or ATM. Moreover, we estimate that banks have saved over $2.5 billion in reduced processing costs. And, today with less than 5% of the total number of checks being deposited through a mobile device we are just getting started.”
To find out more about how our billion deposits means, check out the infographic below.

For more info on how you and your customers can be part of the next billion deposits, check out our Mobile Deposit and Commerical Mobile Deposit pages and feel free to conact us with any additional questions.